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Ice Machine Guide

Ice CubesWhen looking to make an investment in a new ice machine, there are a lot of different factors to look into before making a final decision, including the shape of ice to use/serve, the quantity of ice that needs to be produced to keep up with your business, and where the machine will be housed.  Here are a few articles to help you narrow down your results on the right ice machine for your business.

Ice Machines

1. It’s Commercial Ice Machine Season! Are You Ready?

This article includes a guide to help calculate business ice usage, types of ice, air cooled versus water cooled, remote condenser units and maintenance.

2. The Importance of The Right Ice Machine

Maintaining any kind of restaurant requires ice, lots of ice, and the only way to meet your frosty needs is with the right commercial ice machine. If your restaurant is stuck with an excessively large ice machine, you may be spending extravagant costs to make ice you don’t need.

3. A Visit With Ice-O-Matic

Now don’t go running off just yet, let me get one thing said up front: I know that factory tours, or even ice for that matter, aren’t exactly at the top of the list for must-do’s, but I think each of us learned something during this tour.  Not only did we learn more about ice in general, but we also learned that Ice-O-Matic is filled with passionate people that love to share that passion with others – yes, even over ice – and believe that investing in an ice machine is more than just another piece of equipment in your kitchen.


And other articles that we’ve written are based on the ice alone – yes, it’s just as important to review the ice types as it is to know to measure the size of the equipment.

4. Ice, Ice Baby – Why Are There So Many Different Types of Ice?

Ice is like origami paper. Okay not really, but it can be made into many different shapes and forms. Each shape has a purpose and is ideal for specific needs due to size, melting time, etc. All commercial ice machine brands manufacturer cube, nugget and flake style ice, but some have patented forms too.

5. Buying Guide for Commercial Ice Machines based on Ice

Picking the correct ice type for your establishment is very important when shopping for a commercial ice machine. The shape of the ice has everything to do with its intended purpose.  Whether used in beverages, food presentation or health care services, Tundra Restaurant Supply offers many different types of ice machines in order to satisfy the widest variety of uses.

Cleaning, Water Filters, & Safety

6. Commercial Ice Machine Cleaning Made Easy

It’s officially summer and with the season comes extra reason to re-evaluate just how clean your commercial ice machine really is. You can plan on sun-cooked-patrons filling their drinks with ice during the summer months, but nothing ruins that refreshing beverage like dirty ice from an over seasoned machine.

7. Contaminated Ice: Key Tips To Keep Your Customers Safe

Getting ice from the ice machine bin to your customer’s drink glass without contaminating it is a food safety consideration that is easy to overlook.  That doesn’t mean it’s any less important than the other danger points you deal with every day while preparing and serving food in your restaurant.  In fact, proper ice handling is probably even more important because you don’t have the insurance that heating something about to be eaten by a customer brings you.

8. Use Ice Machine Water Filters For More Than Just Ice

If you don’t do so already, you should definitely consider filtering the water you serve your customers.  We have already covered water filtration here on The Back Burner, but if you need to filter a glass filler specifically, the best way to do so is with an ice machine water filter.  That’s because you get everything you need for filtering drinking water from a water filter made for ice machines.  After all, properly filtered ice is simply frozen drinking-quality water.

9. Why Water Filtration is Essential in your Restaurant

Water filtration systems provide two key benefits for your commercial kitchen or restaurant: restaurant equipment maintenance and breakdown is reduced by as much as 75% Beverages and ice tastes (and smells) better for customers. Restaurant equipment that use water like ice machines, coffee and espresso makers, steamers, and dishwashers can all benefit from a water filtration system.

If you’re just scanning through a few of these, we’d definitely like you to know that many of them mention the same thing as far as the right machine for your business, because knowing the quantity of ice needed for your business is critical in making a final decision.  You need to factor in future business growth, humidity, temperatures, and other environmental factors that could play into the effects of ice production.

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