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Catfish Plantation: Haunted Restaurants That Make You Say ‘NOPE’

Catfish Plantation | Waxahachie, Texas


Another restaurant with plenty of ghosts to help you enjoy your meal, is the Catfish Plantation.  Located in Waxahachie, Texas, the Catfish Plantation has three ghosts named: Elizabeth, Will, and Caroline. 

Elizabeth was murdered in the house back in the early 1920’s on her wedding day by an ex-lover.  But being murdered on her wedding day wasn’t Elizabeth’s only misfortune, because she still resides in the building to this day.  She’s often found in the bathroom, but has also been seen looking out windows and bursting through doors.

Will was a former owner that died in the building from a sickness, and he too still resides at the plantation.  Will can be seen on the front porch in his overalls and felt touching legs of female patrons.

Then in 1970, Caroline passed away in the building from old age, and she had very set ways that she continues to share with the restaurant’s employees.  She loved cooking, so she usually hangs out in the kitchen, but she hated alcohol, so wine glasses usually don’t last long.  In fact, the staff has to keep wine glasses behind glass in an armoire, to try and prevent Caroline from flinging them across the room.  Caroline also likes to brew coffee herself, and rearrange supplies to her liking.

Other paranormal activity includes banging on the walls, food being flung, doors unlocking themselves, lights going on and off, water being turned on, equipment doors being opened and closed, and dead clocks chiming.  All of which, leaves many patrons leaving before dinner is even served.

Yeah, nope.

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