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The best soup recipes to attract winter customers

looking down at a table with hot soup and bread

Soup season is in full swing, which means that bread bowls and hand-blended concoctions are ready to soothe our souls and warm our bellies through the holiday season and deep into winter. But while chili and chicken soups are stalwarts year-round, your customers might want a little something extra to make our darkest months a little brighter.

In that spirit, we compiled a list of the best soup recipes to mix up the mundane and entice your customers this season! These soups from around the world will challenge your typical soups du jour and help your customers stave off seasonal colds and depression.


We’ll start our list with avgolemono, a simple yet delicate soup that can introduce traditionalists to the wider world of soups. This famous Greek staple ditches the noodles for orzo and uses eggs and lemon to make a silky smooth chicken soup. That’s it — chicken broth, orzo, tempered eggs, lemon, and you’re done. If you’re worried about hardiness, add in chicken and onions for additional heft.

These simple ingredients create a protein-filled, feel-good soup that can be held for hours without degradation of consistency or flavor. Far too many restaurants stick with chicken noodle soup. Don’t be like everyone else. A cup of avgolemono is a Grecian delight.  


Daring to attempt a more complex soup? Then sidestep ramen and try pho (pronounced “fuh”), the superior Southeast Asian soup. That comparison may be controversial, but it is pho is overdue for the spotlight. It is healing, cheap to make, deliciously spicy, and fragrant in a way that stands alone against any other soup.

Roasted beef bones, onions, ginger, salt, star anise, fish sauce, and water make a succulent broth topped with rice noodles, cilantro, jalapeños, and raw beef slices just before serving (don’t worry — they will cook within seconds). Want to add more? Pho is endlessly customizable and isn’t saturated with salt and carbs like Asia’s most famous soup.

If you are bold enough to try pho, be sure to serve it with the proper bowls and spoons!  


No one knows how to beat winter better than the Slavs, and part of their annual tradition includes rustling up a bowl of borscht. This ruby-red Eastern European classic is unlike any soup you’ve ever seen, and it is guaranteed to turn heads at your restaurant.

Beets give this soup its iconic color, and cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic round out the flavor profile of the best vegetable soup you’ve never had. Simply add your choice of beans, beef, or pork to the pot, and you’re ready to serve all season long.

After ladling a healthy portion into your bowl of choice, top with sour cream and dill to open your senses to a masterclass in soup diversity.

There’s nothing quite like a bowl of hot soup on a cold day, and nothing in the culinary world compares to these three secret soups. From the Mediterranean to the far reaches of the Pacific, these recipes will help your customers battle the winter blues. Missing something? Visit to get everything you need to offer the soup of the season.

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