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Popular healing foods to put on your menu this winter

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year – mostly. It’s also the time of the year colds, flu, and stomach bugs like to come around and annoy everyone.

As a restaurant operator, you know all about taking proper precautions to help prevent the spread of germs in your establishment (especially after the nearly 2 years we’ve just been through!). But here’s another way you can help: Add healing and immune boosting foods to your menu. It’s an extra way to care for your customers, plus, these popular foods will be a major draw for some.

And just because these foods are “healthy” doesn’t mean they have to be boring. We’ll show you a few creative ways you can add these healing foods for a cold to your menu this winter.

First, what are immune boosting foods?

When you’re sick, rest, advice from a medical professional, and appropriate medicine are the only proven ways to get better. However, certain foods do contain elements that support the immune system. These foods fall into a few categories.

Probiotic and prebiotic foods

These foods help support a healthy gut, which leads to a stronger immune system. For probiotics, think fermented and other healing foods that contain live active cultures. Prebiotic foods, on the other hand, help feed and maintain the live active cultures from probiotic foods.

So what are some popular foods in this category?

Herbs and spices

We’re talking teas, berries, flowers, roots. Let’s dive in.

Foods rich in beta-carotene

Beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant, which are great for fighting oxidative stress in the body and thereby strengthening immune health. This category consists of many everyday fruits and vegetables, such as:

You’ll have no trouble finding dishes to make with these items and likely already have many dishes on your menu that contain them. So you’ll really want to think about your branding and marketing here. A spinach-based salad already on your menu could easily be branded as an Immunity Salad with just a few tweaks to the recipe. Also, think about stocking up on disposable salad bowls and other take-out containers for customers wanting a healthy meal at home while fighting off sickness.

Of course, none of these immunity and healing foods are a proven way to prevent or shorten sickness – but they couldn’t hurt and may draw in customers. Consider adding immune-boosting options to your menu this winter, and making them flavorful and fun. We have all the restaurant equipment and supplies to help you do it at

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