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Commonly Asked Questions: Marketing, Gas Ovens & Casters

QA-TundraHere at Tundra Restaurant Supply, we strive to be more than just your restaurant supplier. We want to help you come up with solutions to your problems so you can spend less time on administrative tasks, and more time doing what you love. Call us at 1-888-388-6372, Live Chat, or contact us via email at!

Over the years we’ve received several questions in our customer service department, through our social media channels, and here on the blog. We decided to feature 3 commonly asked questions we’ve received—check to see if any of these sound familiar!


Question #1 – Hands-On Marketing
“My husband and I own a pizza bus in Tennessee. What do you guys think about hiring someone to make phone calls on behalf of our store to customers, to tell them of our current specials and thank them for their business. We figure you can call roughly 18 people per hour and pay roughly $8 per hour. Do you think this is a good investment? Have you ever tried it?” – E

Answer: Great idea!

A phone call will add a nice personal touch to your marketing that is sure to give you an edge, especially in this type of economy. You could offer different specials for this segment of your marketing, either a coupon or verbal, and keep track of how many times they are used. This would allow you to track the effectiveness of your phone calls.

We like to use this type of personal approach at our e-commerce website. Instead of sending out an email if there is a question about an order, someone from our web team will call the customer. That type of personal approach tends to work very well.


Question #2 – Conversion Inquiry
“Does anyone know if it is possible to convert an old Garland 6 burner with pilots to electronic ignition?” – Jim

Answer: Sadly, no

Unfortunately it is not possible to convert a Garland burner with pilots to an electronic ignition.  The main reason is the lack of electrical power. Even if the range had power, there are no electronic gas valves for it.

One option is to put a separate sparker on each burner, but that would require drilling holes into the front panel (6 of them). At that point you could shut the pilot valves off and use the sparker to light each burner.


Question #3 – Casters Correction
“I would like to locate cup-shaped casters for heavy commercial dishwasher legs, possible made of Lexan or steel, to prevent legs from penetrating through a sheet vinyl floor. Can you help me?” – Margie

Answer: Plate Caster or Threaded Stem Caster

Hi Margie,

From stem casters to plate casters, expending casters and more, there’s a variety of commercial casters you can shop at Tundra Restaurant Supply. Here’s some more information on the variety of

Rubber wheels will protect your flooring, but when used on rough floors you’ll find they will wear faster. Polyurethane wheels are more commonly used in kitchens because they are resistant to grease and strong cleaning agents. Be sure you pay attention to load height and load capacity when purchasing your commercial casters to ensure you’re getting the right kind for your equipment.

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