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10 Things to Instagram About In Your Restaurant

You probably already know the value of an active Instagram account, but you might find yourself asking—what should I post about? Recently an owner of a restaurant that specializes in hot dogs lamented to me, “There are only so many pictures of hot dogs we can put out there before people get sick of them!”

And it’s true—there ARE only so many pictures of hot dogs you can put out there. Monotony is a silent killer when it comes to social media engagement.

Do you find yourself struggling to keep your feed fresh? Here are 10 Instagram-worthy moments you can post about:

1. Reducing Food Waste

Sustainability is a hot topic nowadays with good reason—as much as 40% of all food produced in the U.S. goes straight to the landfill. If you’re taking steps to reduce food waste in your restaurant, brag about it! For example, show how you use carrot tops and onion peels for stock, or how those extra snippets of parsley stems get repurposed in your smoothies. And if you’re not already doing these things, should you be?


2. Promote a 3 Bin System

Managing your food waste goes hand-in-hand with landfill diversion programs. As more municipalities offer composting services, consider jumping on that wagon and promoting it. Customers like to eat at restaurants that support their own eco-friendly goals, and they’ll appreciate seeing your compost, recycle and landfill bins in the front and back of house. You can even download these ready-to-print Landfill This, Recycle This and Compost This signs for each of your bins!


3. Organized Walk-In

Give customers a glimpse into your back of house, that area where everyone’s food is made but rarely seen. If your walk in is organized with everything stored in airtight containers and in their place, snap a picture of it! Not only should you aspire to keep that space clean, but it shows customers that you take food safety seriously and have nothing to hide.


4. Happy Customers

Got a few regulars that you know by name, or hosting a baby shower? Whatever the occasion, ask your customers if they wouldn’t mind having their picture on your Instagram feed. Pictures of happy customers will encourage new customers to give your restaurant a try.


5. Nonprofits or Schools You Support

I’d contest that being a part of a strong community is the backbone to any restaurant’s success. Engage with your community by partnering with local PTAs and other organizations for a little cross-promotion and feel good warm and fuzzies.


6. Chef Feature

We’re in the age of the celebrity chef—so own it! Though most chefs prefer being in the kitchen cooking than out front in the spotlight a small feature about the chef helps to personalize the dining experience for customers. You can highlight the chef’s cooking philosophies, background, etc.!


7. Purveyors You’re Proud to Work With

Do you source responsibly raised meats, or did your tomato supplier just bring you the most luscious, mouth-watering tomatoes of the season? Talk about it! Customers not only care about menu transparency, but they’re willing to pay a little bit more for quality ingredients. Give your purveyors a bit of love and tell your customers why it’s important to you to partner with local farmers and ranchers.


8. Interesting Facts About Ingredients

Part of being a chef is introducing customers to new ingredients; remember when kale was just a garnish? Feature a photo of an ingredient you use in the restaurant and include a fun factoid about it. Like, “Did you know garlic has great anti-viral properties? Take comfort in knowing that indulging in our housemade spaghetti sauce will not only keep vampires at bay, but stomach bugs too!”


9. Networking

Should you promote other businesses on your channel? Absolutely! Many successful restaurants have learned that when you’re in the industry it’s less competition and more collaboration. Collaborate with local chefs and give them a shout out on your channel. Chances are that they’ll give you a shout out to you in return to their followers, and it could be the spark to discuss new opportunities.


10. The Food!

It’s still Instagram—so don’t forget to still include pictures of the food! Whether you post a sneak-peek of a new menu addition, or a popular customer favorite, foodies and customers alike want to see what you’re cooking up.

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